The Dominican Sisters of Mary hold vocation discernment retreats, auctions, dinners and other types of events. We’d love for you to join us at one of our gatherings!
Mother of the Eucharist
The Dominican Sisters of Mary hold vocation discernment retreats, auctions, dinners and other types of events. We’d love for you to join us at one of our gatherings!
Private Women of the Eucharist | Womens’ Retreat
This retreat is a private retreat for SSA Moms and DSMME staff members.
Date: Saturday, March 16th-Sunday, March 17th, 2024
Location: SSA-Ann Arbor, 4101 E. Joy Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Times: Check-in opens at 2:00 pm on Saturday; the retreat begins at 2:30 pm and concludes at 1:00 pm on Sunday.
Meals: The following meals will be provided: Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. We’re unable to accommodate all dietary needs. If you have any restrictions, we ask that you bring your own food. We can provide refrigerator/microwave space should you need it. There will be snacks, coffee and water available throughout the weekend.
What to bring: Please bring a sleeping bag and a pillow. Air mattresses and warm blankets are welcome, too.
Cost: $40
If you have any other questions, please email Sr. Immaculata at
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