Dominican Charism
To bring souls to Christ, we draw from the wellspring of our Dominican heritage while embracing the New Evangelization called for by Pope St. John Paul II.

We’re Dominican
We are a recent addition to the ancient Dominican Order founded by St. Dominic in the 13th century. In the spirit of the founder, we prioritize evangelization, common life, cloister, times of silence, the choral Divine Office and daily Mass.
As a visible sign of our commitment to our spiritual family, we wear the signature black and white habit of the Dominican Order.

We’re Eucharistic
Each of our sisters begins her day with a visit to her Divine Spouse in Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We also have periodic full days of adoration.
Wherever we go, we are never far from the Bridegroom. He is present not only in the chapel of our Motherhouse, but also in the chapels of all of our mission houses.

We’re Marian
No one was more faithful to Jesus than Mary. That is why we have taken her as our special patron. Every morning, we renew our consecration to her according to the method of St. Louis de Montfort.
The Blessed Mother also inspires our call to spiritual motherhood, which we exercise especially by nurturing the minds and hearts of children in the classroom. We also seek to be spiritual mothers to priests by leading them to the Mother and encouraging them to carry the cross as Christ desires.

We Respond to the Needs of Our Time
Though our spirituality is centuries old, it continually casts new light on each passing age. We fully embrace the call to a New Evangelization to meet the challenges of today, with a special focus on proclaiming the Gospel of Life and educating the young.
Our Openlight Media is proof that modern technology can be used to effectively bring the timeless truths of the faith to the world.

Learn More About Our Way of Life
Whether you’re an aspirant to religious life, a parent, donor or simply curious about us, we’d love to answer your questions and — God willing — have you share in our mission.
Mother Amata Veritas, O.P.