“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
Even as we see the world and daily news stories around us that may bring concern, the hope we have experienced in this time of Eucharistic Revival continues to carry us forward with joy. As Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Eucharistic Revival is just a part of who we are. It is something we strive to bring about each day in our own hearts and in those we serve in our apostolate.
In the schools we serve, we have a front row seat to this gentle but powerful work God is doing in the hearts and minds of our students, their families, and the educators with whom we teach. In every one of our mission schools, we saw young people and families entering the Church and being baptized for the first time! We walked with students to receive Jesus’ mercy in Reconciliation, His Body and Blood in Holy Communion, and His Spirit in a new way in Confirmation. We brought Christ’s Truth to learners of all ages, across all academic disciplines.
A new generation of disciples is rising, and God is moving hearts to equip them to be “in this world but not of it.” Forming disciples to save souls—this is the mission to which our Sisters are called, and it is our privilege and joy to give our whole life to Him. We hope you will join us through your prayers and sacrificial support. Together, we can answer God’s call!
Mother Amata Veritas Ellenbecker, O.P.
Prioress General
“baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...”
MATTHEW 28:19-20

St. Augustine’s words remind us that we are created by and for God, and true rest will only be found in Him.
Each of us hopes for something, “Someone” more. Our students come to us from different family backgrounds and varying degrees of faith. Jesus’ call to “make disciples” resonates deeply in our Dominican hearts! True transformation comes through an invitation to draw near to Him.
God works in these invitations, transforming the hearts of our students and families. With JOY, we prepare students to receive the graces of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Last year’s signal grace was that young people were baptized or received into the Church for the first time from every one of our teaching mission schools!
With over 25 years of teaching, we marvel how God multiplies the growth of our students, families, and alumni as disciples for Himself. What hopeful news in a troubled, broken world!
“teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you...”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
Our Sisters love to teach God’s truth, goodness and beauty— not just in religion class, but in all subjects! Our ongoing studies provide the essential foundation to convey God’s presence, whether in the chemistry lab, English class, or sports victory celebrations!
Sharing the fruits of our own contemplation, we extend the invitation to a deeper relationship with God. In turn, we see Him transforming the minds of our students as they encounter that “Someone” more they are seeking.
Through our Openlight Media:
- Students searching for happiness and self-knowledge find it in living a virtuous life.
- Educators forming students are equipped with virtue-based tools for healthy social and emotional development.
- Catholic leaders working to restore Catholic identity, worldview, and culture in their schools find guidance to
do so. - And so much more!

“And behold I am with you always until the end of the age.”
MATTHEW 28:19-20

The holy habit of St. Dominic is a visible reminder of God’s constant presence. He uses our counter-cultural witness even without our saying a word. We are humbled by the frequent prayer requests and questions we receive from those we encounter seeking truth and peace.
Even in the culture of our day, God is calling young people to Himself! As we visit schools and universities across the country, and host our own retreats, we encourage hundreds of young women each year to consider religious life and then assist in their discernment.
Living out the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, and community life fortifies us with God’s grace and Truth. This equips us to live out the fourth Dominican pillar as preachers and teachers to boldly proclaim that He is real. In today’s increasingly secular world, people of all ages need assurance of His love and constant presence, and our mission is realized in bringing our Lord into even the most difficult circumstances.
…reach over 10,000 students in schools throughout the nation.
Our Sisters teach, administer, and serve in 15 elementary schools, 12 high schools, and 4 universities serving students pre-k through college.
…offer a joyful witness of religious life to hundreds of women each year.
We have assisted thousands of women discerning religious life since our founding – at our own retreats and at schools and universities nationwide.
…create transformational tools to form disciples of all ages in schools, homes, and parishes. (Now in 89 countries!)
Our Openlight Media resources are in over 850 schools across the country and are getting the attention of Catholic and secular audiences!
…provide for education, formation, and basic living expenses (housing, food, medical, transportation, etc.)
40+ Sisters are earning teaching credentials and advanced degrees to equip them to bring God’s Truth to their students.