The Steps
The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist are formed in the heart of the Church. Deeply imbued with the spirituality of Saint Dominic, our program of formation seeks to impart the charism of this particular Dominican institute which, as its name implies, is Eucharistic and Marian.
Formation is a graced and intentional time of growth for a young woman into her identity as a consecrated religious. This involves the young woman taking personal responsibility for her vocation by readily opening herself up to the action of the Holy Spirit mediated through complete immersion into the sacramental, communal and apostolic life of the community.
Formation involves the whole person and every aspect of the Christian life such that, through her gradual growth in human, spiritual and psychological maturity, the young woman may be transformed into Christ, prepared to imitate His total self-gift to the Father.

Postulancy (One Year)
The postulant is gradually immersed into religious life through living the daily schedule of the community. She begins to cultivate a deeper and open relationship with the Lord through personal and communal prayer and a rich sacramental life.
In order to deepen her understanding of the Catholic faith and religious life, she is instructed in the doctrines of the faith, Church documents, philosophy and various theological studies. She receives human formation, especially in femininity and courtesy, through the study of Christian anthropology and in her participation in the daily work and life of the Motherhouse community. The Dominican charism is introduced to her by laying the foundation for the life of preaching and teaching through the discipline of prayerful study.

Novitiate (Two Years)
The novice’s first year is a concentrated study in the theology of consecrated life, the vows and the documents, customs and legislation of the community. During her second year, the novice is immersed in the community’s particular apostolate of teaching. Both years aim to deepen her formation in prayer and help her grow in a personal relationship with the Trinity through additional periods of prayer throughout the day.
She continues her formation in Dominican spirituality, and cultivates a deeper devotion to Our Lady through making the total consecration to Mary with the community. She pursues further studies in Sacred Scripture, moral theology, philosophy, patristics and spirituality.

Temporary Profession (Five Years)
The Sister professes her temporary vows for a period of five years and begins to gain experience in living the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. She continues to deepen her spousal relationship with Christ through prayer. She integrates the charism of the community into her life in a more complete way and participates in the apostolate more fully. During this time for formation, she is encouraged to grow in maturity and increased personal initiative in living as an authentic consecrated religious within community life and in the community’s apostolate of teaching.

Perpetual Vows
After eight years of formation, the Sister may request to make perpetual vows, eliciting a new commitment to continual conversion and formation for her entire lifetime. This definitive act, which signifies her union with Christ the Bridegroom, is made after much prayer and discernment.
Her formation doesn’t end there. It’s a lifelong journey as the Sister continues to grow in charity to prepare to meet her Bridegroom face-to-face in the Kingdom of Heaven.

He has pledged His troth with His ring and adorned me with His priceless love.
He has pledged His troth with His ring and adorned me with His priceless love.

Send Us Your Questions!
If you’re wondering if God’s calling you to become a Dominican Sister of Mary, or if you want to know more about our daily life, please send us a message. We will gladly answer your questions.
Sr. Katharine Rose, O.P.