This week we celebrate the Feasts of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows.
It is a good time to look at how Our Lady carried her crosses.
Mary was no stranger to the challenge of inconveniences and daily struggles, nor was she exempt from the distressing sight of her Son’s apparent failure on the Cross.
But from the moment the angel departed after the Annunciation, Mary knew deeply that God had changed her life with His Incarnation. Jesus, her Son, was God come in the flesh! He had crashed into her life and transformed everything.
Suffering changed when God personally embraced it by becoming man. If God was allowing it, and sharing it, then she would cooperate with Him by persevering trust.

Large or small, Our Lady can relate. She teaches us how to transform our suffering. Each pain in her life was an invitation to lift her heart to God and unite with Him in the here and now. The more intense the struggle, the deeper her faith. Standing at the foot of Jesus’ Cross, she clung to the faith He had given her. Nothing could shake her belief!
Today our Lady of Sorrows stands near to strengthen your faith in Jesus.
May she whose faith never wavered help you to stand firm in Him who triumphs even on the Cross.