Human life, created by God to be a composite of body and soul, is spectacularly wonderful – a thing only God can accomplish. In His tremendous foreknowledge, God endowed man with a dignity fit for His future condescension in the Incarnation when He deemed it fitting to take on human flesh. Each human soul is created by God at the moment of conception. It is instantaneous. But we can watch the body develop over time in the mother’s womb. The stages of development are profound:

We can only stand in awe as we study the stages of development of a child in the mother’s womb. The dignity of the human person was radically endorsed by God when He Himself took on human flesh, and so we must respect and honor it. The Sisters of Mary take seriously their responsibility to teach the dignity of human life created by God in His image. Rallies for life around the country often find our Sisters and their students present!

What else can be done to uphold the dignity of human life? Let us daily ask God in prayer to protect and bring to birth all the little ones in the womb who may be in danger. Let us pray for their mothers confused in the struggle to know what is right within a society often bent on lies and profit. May they be given the strength and courage to choose love and uphold the dignity of human life.
Pray daily for the protection of the unborn or spiritually adopt an unborn baby as suggested by Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, praying these words for 9 months:
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I Love you very much. I beg you to save the life of the unborn baby I have spiritually adopted and is danger of abortion. Mary, our Mother in Heaven, pray for us, and especially for your little ones in danger of abortion!