Independence Day is a time to recall not only the tremendous blessings we enjoy as a nation but also that those blessings come from God Himself. Like a good and loving Father, God gives these gifts freely but with the call to use them for good.

The recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs. Wade is a sign of great hope that the unborn may experience the unalienable rights endowed by God, starting with the Right to LIFE!
May we persevere in our prayers and work to defend life and assist mothers and babies through pregnancy and beyond.

As God is the source of life, hope, and goodness, He is deserving of our thanks and praise. He longs for us to draw ever closer to Him and one way we can do that is through the practice of virtue. And what virtue is most fitting for this particular day? Patriotism!
Learn more about the virtue of Patriotism.
The virtue of Patriotism is related to the Cardinal Virtue of Justice: Giving to each, beginning with God, what is due to him.
Our nation has a rich heritage and history!
Learn more about our country’s history and system of government in this video series from Openlight Media:
In God we Trust: Lights on our Nation’s Capitol.