July 25-27 were days filled with joy and festivities at the Motherhouse in Ann Arbor as seven Sisters made Perpetual Vows, two Sisters made Temporary Vows, and our Postulants became Novices! We praise God for the gift of generosity that these, our dear Sisters, have given to God in the gift of their whole selves. Our beloved Pope St. John Paul II puts it well in Vita Consecrata:
“This is the meaning of the call to the consecrated life: it is an initiative coming wholly from the Father, who asks those whom He has chosen to respond with complete and exclusive devotion. The experience of this gracious love of God is so deep and so powerful that the person called senses the need to respond by unconditionally dedicating her life to God, consecrating to Him all things present and future, and placing them in His hands.”
In the words of Mother Assumpta Long, O.P. at the celebration of Perpetual Vows this year: “What we see is a manifestation of God’s immense merciful love for each of these women.”
We praise God for our Sisters’ total gift of self, and we welcome your continued prayers… May God continue to call many souls to Himself and may our community continue to bear great fruit!