With expectant joy, six young women processed into the chapel on August 22nd wearing crisp new blue vests and skirts as the Sisters sang the traditional Dominican hymn “O Lumen Ecclesiae” (O Light of the Church). One by one, Mother Amata Veritas called them forward by name to receive a Dominican cross necklace from Sister Mary Michael, Sister John Dominic or Sister Elizabeth Ann.
Thus opens a new phase in their relationship with Christ. Prior to this day, each one had experienced His distinctive presence in her life and now He has asked for a particular boldness of faith. Might she allow Him to form her soul through religious life? With firmness of faith, trembling knees, and joy, they have given their “Yes!” Now begins a stimulating time of listening, obeying, and growing with ever deepening trust.
Please pray for these courageous young women, our Postulants, as they seek ultimate Love in the heart of Christ by a total gift of themselves into His hands.