As we celebrate the legacy of our founder, St. Dominic, we invite you
to join us in praising God for His goodness through our song to our beloved father, “O Lumen Ecclesiae”.
August 6th, 2021 marks the 800th Anniversary of the death of our beloved father and founder of the Dominican Order, St. Dominic de Guzman. On August 6th 1221, with his brethren gathered around his bedside, he told them, “My little children, do not weep. I will be more helpful in heaven than on earth.” For 800 years now, Dominican Friars, Nuns, Sisters, and laity have looked to their spiritual father to light the way to truth, beauty, and goodness in the heart of Holy Mother Church.

There are not many books written about St. Dominic – and Dominic, himself, did not write any. But when his brothers and spiritual children were gathering accounts of his life, what they remembered and passed on was his life of prayer and zeal for souls. He wept for sinners and every time he approached a town, he would kneel and pray to God for the people who lived there, asking that God would make him an effective instrument of His truth. It was said that he won more souls by prayer than by preaching.
His brethren observed the different ways Dominic prayed: hands outstretched, arms pointing to heaven, genuflecting, prostrating. They even made sure to take note of the characteristic way he would pray and walk as he journeyed. These forms of prayer became known as St. Dominic’s Nine Ways of Prayer. He was a man of authentic wholeness, and his body and soul, mind and heart, were fully integrated. St. Dominic understood the human person because He knew and loved Jesus Christ.

This man of compassion and faith truly lived in a state of union with God. He preached with such sweetness and conviction that he is called “Preacher of Grace.” Where there was error, he taught truth. Where there was confusion, he brought light. Where there was doubt, he brought the conviction of love. Today, in 2021, St. Dominic’s charism and witness is needed just as much as it was 800 years ago.
Please join us in praying that we, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, will be faithful daughters of the Church
and of our beloved father, Dominic.

August is National Make-a-Will Month!
Help us continue preaching and teaching in the footsteps of St. Dominic
by including our community in your will or trust.
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Please let us know at:
Don’t yet have a will?
Create a legally valid will at no charge through our partnership with FreeWill: